September 1, 2016
Quantum Model Repurposing of Cetromycin for Liver Stage Malaria
As part of FOA Pre-clinical Research Based on Existing Repurposing Tools (R21), Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant was awarded to demonstrate the utility of Gradient's quantum computational algorithm to predict new uses of Cethromycin. The project is part of the collaboration between Gradient and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the experimental work will be performed in the laboratory of Dr. David Sullivan.
Project Narrative:
Cethromycin was identified by a published quantum model computational analysis for liver- stage malaria drugs. This cethromycin preclinical mouse malaria liver-stage work will build a more solid evidence base for a phase 2, controlled human malaria infection clinical trial. The long-term outcome will be a new safe, effective malaria prophylaxis drug and/or a replacement of primaquine for the dormant liver-stage of P. vivax/ovale.